Macarons by The Food (Kim)ist

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All Eyes On... [7]

Recipes I'm pining for lately, my gahhh. I seem to be in a Korean food kick! I can never get enough of it.

this low fat cheesy vegan pesto. simple enough.

this unique tofu tahini scramble. flavorful!

these hearty curried potato pizza pockets. my knees are weak.

this korean pickled garlic. authentic!

these braised black soybeans. mmm.

this spicy korean bok choy. BOK CHOY.

this tahini cumin chickpea salad. creamyyy.

this small batch chocolate chip cookie recipe. so wholesome.

these twice baked oatmeal stuffed sweet potatoes. GENIUS!

this sugar free vegan marshmallow fluff. fluffyyy.

this pumpkin spice custard. because pumpkin.

[ this is everything I currently have my eyes on. leave any links you’re currently loving, below! ]