Apple Crumble Pie (Single Serve)

I opened up my baking yesterday to suggestions because I've honestly begun to finish off all the recipes by others I wanted to try out. The most suggested meal to healthify was apple crumble pie! It sounded delicious so I took a stab at it :) I'm in loooove with this crust! I loved it all.IMG_0481Apple Crumble Pie Serves: 1Crust

  • 1/4 cup ground up old fashioned rolled oats
  • 1 TBSP almond flour
  • 2 TBSP liquid egg whites (~1 small egg white)


  • 1/2 medium apple (~70 g)
  • 2 TBSP sugar free syrup
  • 1/4 tsp apple pie spice (or cinnamon)
  • 1 stevia packet
  • 1/8 tsp caramel extract (Optional)


  • 2 TBSP ground up old fashioned rolled oats
  • 1 TBSP coconut flour
  • 1 stevia packet
  • 1/8 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp butter extract
  • 2 TBSP water

Preheat the oven to 350F. Mix the crust ingredients together and place into a ramekin sprayed with nonstick spray. Bake at 350F for 10 minutes. While it's baking, chop the apple and put it in a bowl with the remaining filling ingredients. Mix together and microwave for 1 minute. Place in the ramekin once the crust is baked, leaving behind any liquid. Mix all of the topping ingredients and crumble on top of the apple mixture. Bake again at 425F for another 5-7 minutes for a crispy crumble. Let cool, slice, and eat!For everything: 261 calories; 7 g fat, 37 g carbs (8 g fiber), 10 g protein


Clean Boston Cream


Apple Pie Oatmeal