Blueberry & Peach Chia Yogurt Parfait

Hey hey, parfait! It's been a while. Breakfast #latergram. Whenever I use puffed millet, people ask where to get it. The puffed millet I buy at my handy dandy grocery store, but it's also on amazon if you have trouble finding it! I love the texture & volume it adds to stuffzs. So. The IG spam/inactive account cleanup is fun. You get to see who's "monetarily adjusted" their followers and proceed to just laugh quietly. #heh

I've just been doing mostly cardio lately; weights have just been so rough on my body lately. I am still dealing with a lot of unexplained pain & sensations so 2x a week with weights is about all I can muster... Meh. It's fun for now. Lots of time to think to myself.

Blueberry & Peach Chia Yogurt Parfait

Serves: 1

Mix the greek yogurt with vanilla stevia. Or you can use stevia and vanilla extract. Microwave your blueberries for 20-30 seconds to lightly warm them; you can also add a dash of stevia to this too but I usually forget to. Then just layer everything!! On top I have the epic seed greek yogurt; I love it! I'm so glad I found it at Sprouts. It's a thickkk greek yogurt topped with a chia jam. The strawberry & blackberry ones are my favorite flavors.


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