Butterfinger Cookies

Soo I'm not much of a cookie lover (I'm a cake/cupcake kinda girl ) but recently I neeeeded them. Soo I set out to make cookies! And cookies I made. I used my new chocolate biscuit 5150 nut butter (my fave of theirs) as the perfect ingredient for butterfinger cookies!! Happy happy joy joy. IMG_6150[1]Butterfinger CookiesMakes: 18

  • 1 cup raw oats
  • 1 cup almond meal/flour
  • 1/2 cup chocolate biscuit 5150 nut butter
  • 1/3 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1/3 cup granulated stevia
  • 1 whole egg

Preheat your oven to 350 F. Grind the oats into a flour. Then in a bowl mix the 1 cup oat flour with the remaining ingredients. Mixmixmix until a thick dough forms. With your hands, roll 18 cookie dough balls, placing them on a sprayed baking sheet. Flatten each ball with the back end of a spoon. I sprinkled raw cacao nibs on top for some chocolate crunchies; its optional. Then bake at 350 F for 8-10 minutes.Nutritional info for 1 cookie: 91 calories; 6 g fat, 6 g carbs (2 g fiber), and 4 g protein


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