Macarons by The Food (Kim)ist

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Cheesy Garlic Protein Biscuits

Is this real life O_O. Is this really happening. I don't even know if I dreampt this or not. Cheesy garlic protein biscuits resulted from my baking last night. This is life. Soo fluffy inside. Watch out, Red Lobster.

Cheesy Garlic Protein Biscuits

Makes: 5 fluffy wuffy biscuits

  1. Grind your bag of protein chips in a small blender to make a powder. In a bowl, mix this powder with the remaining dry ingredients.

  2. In a smaller bowl, mix the wet ingredients (egg, coconut oil, and almond milk). Once even, stir your wet ingredients into your dry ingredients bowl. Mix very well, as it'll be thick!

  3. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Roll your dough into 5 even balls and lightly press each onto the parchment paper. I also dusted mine with some parsley and more garlic powder.

  4. Bake at 425 F for 9-10 minutes only. Remove and enjoy!! I think they're best fresh but really...biscuits are best always.

Nutritional Information for 1 biscuit: 152 calories; 7.3 g fat, 10.5 g carbs (1.6 g fiber), and 11.5 g protein