Chocolate Overload Cookies

The cookies I baked a few nights ago  just got even better. Didn't even think that was possible but it happened #ohlordddd. The first batch disappeared randomly idk so weird ;P so I baked a new batch and changed the flavor from mocha chip to CHOCOLATE OVERLOADDDD cookies. So so good both ways but this is just yeah. Hard to see in the back but on top of half I spread one of my favorite icings made by mixing 2 tbsp greek yogurt, stevia, and 1 tbsp hazelnut rawmio aka the bottled up edible form of Morgan Freeman's silky smooth voice from heaven. #cewkies

Chocolate Overload Cookies

Makes: 8 cookies

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 F. Mix all of your ingredients in a medium sized bowl. Mix thoroughly, as the cookie dough should be thick in consistency.

  2. Once even and no lumps of dryness remain, spray a baking sheet with nonstick spray. Form 8 cookie dough balls, placing them on the baking sheet and lightly flattening. I like to use a heaping tablespoon to scoop the dough out.

  3. Once you have 8 cookies, bake at 350 F for 7-8 minutes; they will bake fast so be sure not to overbake them to where they are dry!

  4. Let cool for 3-5 mins and enjoy gooey gooey chocolatey goodness.


Cookies and Cream Ice Cream


The Best Mocha Chip Protein Cookies