Cinnamon Swirl Protein Rice Krispie Treats

Cinnamon Swirl Rice Krispie Treats!! Reminds me of the protein rice krispie treats I made up years ago, but an added twist!! Just two ingredients (okay maybe 3 with an optional 4th but who's counting) and 230 calories for BOTH [6 g fat, 38 g carbs (18 g fiber), and 21 g protein]!! Loveloveloveeee. Saw this by Kim Hoeltje and was reminded that I wanted to try them when Quest chef Brian made them in his YouTube video. Yaaaa glad I did make them finally. Super versatile because you can really use any flavor quest bar you want! Imagine: cookie dough rice krispie treat, apple pie, cookies & cream!!!

Cinnamon Swirl Rice Krispie Treats

Serves: 1

Break apart the quest bar into small pieces and place it in a small cup with the 1 TBSP of water. Microwave for 30-40 seconds, stirring every 10 seconds until meltyyyyyy. Mix this with the puffed rice! Then OPTIONAL (but not really :p) melt & drizzle sugar free white chocolates on top. Refrigerate for 15-20 minutes until firm. Slice into 2 servings! But eat both because yum.

When you enjoy both treats: 230 calories, 6 g fat, 38 g carbs (18 g fiber), and 21 g protein.


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