Hawaiian Pizza Panini

Do you ever get a random craving for something and just feel like you HAVE to have it that day? I hope so, because that happens to me nearly every day. I can never predict my cravings but I always feel like I've got to satisfy it ASAP. It's basically why I never make a huge batch of meals to have as leftover dinners during the week; I almost never want a repeat meal. So I was at work and really wanted a hawaiian pizza panini. Uuunnnnfortunately...I had no pineapple at home. FORTUNATELY I remembered about the fresh market that is at my work once a week, and today was that day it comes! Score. I walked over and got a massive pineapple for $1.50. Double score for Kim; pineapples are usually $3-4. Then proceeded to proudly make and consume this for dinner. It was a good day.photoHawaiian Pizza PaniniServes: 1

  • 1/2 P28 high protein flatbread
  • 1/4 cup all natural tomato sauce
  • 1/2 tsp salt free garlic bread seasoning (Frontier Brand)
  • handful of spinach
  • 2 pieces of turkey bacon
  • 1/3 cup fresh pineapple
  • 1/3 cup Go Veggie! lactose free shredded cheese

Mix the tomato sauce and garlic bread seasoning. Spread it on the flatbread half. Add a handful of spinach onto the sauce. Then cook your turkey bacon. Chop the bacon into pieces and put it on the spinach. You could use ham instead of turkey bacon. Also place chopped pineapple and shredded cheese. Fold in half and place in a panini press until lightly browned. The p28 flatbread crisps up soo perfectly :D I love it.Nutritional Info: 373 calories; 11 g fat, 38 g carbs (12 g fiber), and 33 g protein


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