Macarons by The Food (Kim)ist

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Healthy Mint Chocolate Brownies

I celebrated national chocolate day (praaaise that that's a thing) with these super fudgey mint chocolate protein brownies. Topped with a mint chocolate protein icing and chocolate coconut butter :D. I fell asleep before sharing the recipe because I'm still battling fatigue and pain ;(. BUT here it is!! So good much fudge. Also. When did I become a mint chocolate person??? I used to hate it. But yeah so... The pain.. I was able to get into a sooner appointment (My doctor has a 4-5 week wait ._.) but I'm going tomorrow!! YAYYY I'm so happy. Save me.

Healthy Mint Chocolate Brownies

Makes: 8 brownies

Preheat the oven to 350 F. Mix everything in a bowl! Spray an oblong dish (4x7? Idk. Ish) with nonstick spray. Pour your batter in. Bake at 350F for approximately 30 minutes. Remove, let cool, and cut into 8 squares.

I recommend topping it with an icing of Greek yogurt, mint chocolate protein powder, and stevia for the perfect balance of flavors. If you don't want icing, instead add 2-3 drops of mint extract to the batter before baking.

Nutritional info for 1 with no icing: 97 calories; 5.6 g fat, 6.8 g carbs (3 g fiber), and 6.8 g fat