Healthy Red Velvet Mugcake (vegan, gf)


Looking for a quick sweets fix without the time or hassle? This single-serve, 1 minute healthy red velvet cupcake is exactly what you need right now! This sweet, scrumptious treat is completely vegan, gluten free, and sugar free!

If I could describe life in one word right now it'd probably be...blurry. Or fast. Or exhausting. Or whirl. Something along those lines. Needless to say...that means my food choices can subsequently be described as "lazy." I meal prep my lunches for the week on Sundays (ensures I eat my veggies in the busy blur!), I basically have the same breakfast every day, and then the remaining dinner + snacks are quickkk and super easy. I just can't be bothered to get as creative as I used to. Which is okay but also sad because food has always been my creative outlet. I just really miss baking.

What I can do that's semi-baking but not really - are mugcakes!! They are pretty versatile since you can top or stuff them with aaaanythingggg. For a while I have been hooked on my double chocolate cupcake. Like...4 ingredients?! Yes gimme. But I've been playing with flavors lately, and I really like this red velvet flavor!! The texture is so light, sweet, and satisfying. Not only that, but this healthy red velvet cupcake gives me an excuse to lather cream cheese all over. Mmmmm.

But forreal. I don't handle busy very well. I mean...I handle it. I get stuff done. I've always thrived on stress. But the problem fibromyalgia does not handle busy very well. Busy equals less sleep and no alone/down time. Pair that with an introvert that needs a lot of alone bueno. My pain has been flaring this week as a result. Mehhh. And the dilemma with that is during a flare I need vegetables and whole foods the most to feel best. But I'm too busy to always cook fresh foods in these moments D; first world problems, I know. But. Yeah.

"Kim you should cook up some stir fry veggies." "Yeah I should Kim but...I really want a healthy red velvet cupcake." "Yeah but whole foods." "But....cupcake?" "You right you right. Do it."At least it's healthy! :D That consoles my guilt. That and the fact that it's absolutely delicious. Try out this recipe and let me know what you think!!

Healthy Red Velvet Mugcake

Serves: 1

  • 1/4 cup buckwheat flour (or spelt flour or oat flour)

  • 1 TBSP almond flour

  • 1/2 TBSP unsweetened cocoa powder

  • 1/2 tsp baking powder

  • 1 stevia packet

  • 3-4 drops red foot dye (or beet powder)

  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract

  • 1/4 cup almond milk (or water)

Mix all of the ingredients in a small bowl. Microwave in the bowl or two silicon cupcake molds for 45-60 seconds. Top with dairy free cream cheese and enjoy!!


The Fluffiest Vegan Coconut Donut (gf)


All Eyes On... [8]