Macarons by The Food (Kim)ist

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Mango Lime Chipotle Taco Bowls

These are so cute and fun!! They could be filled really with anything you want! Finger food is always a winner. This dinner was incredible!! I enjoyed this way too much. These flavors were magical.IMG_1235[1]Mango Lime Chipotle Taco BowlsServes: 1 (makes 4)Taco Bowls

  • 1 large la tortilla factory low carb tortilla
  • handful of spinach
  • 2 oz cooked ground bison (leaner, but just as delicious as beef)
  • 2 TBSP salsa
  • 1/4 cup corn
  • 1/4 cup diced mango
  • 1/4 cup black beans
  • juice from 1/4 lime

Chipotle Chili Cream 

  • 3 TBSP plain greek yogurt
  • 1/2 TBSP  unsweetened almond milk
  • 1/4 tsp chipotle chili powder
  • 8-10 stevia drops

Preheat the oven to 375 F. Cut 1 tortilla into 4 even triangles. Spray a muffin pan with a nonstick spray and place a triangle into each mold. Bake at 375 F for 10-12 minutes until the tortilla crisps. Remove. Place some spinach in the base of each tortilla bowl. Mix the cooked bison with salsa and distribute amongst the bowls. Mix the corn, mango, black beans, and juice of the lime. Place this mixture in each tortilla bowl. Make the chipotle chili cream by mixing the four listed ingredients, then top each bowl with some of the cream. Serve!