Orange Brownie 1-Minute Cupcake

I likey da cupcakes. Fun fact: I once swore off cooking ever my freshma year of college. I sucked. I couldn't make a simple pasta dish... I said "I will stick to baking." I was a bomb baker... Cupcakes were my thing. It seems that even though I slowly learned to cook after forcing myself into the kitchen, I still have a thing for cupcakes<3333333IMG_6062Orange Brownie 1-Minute CupcakeMakes: 2 cupcakes

  • 2 TBSP whole wheat pastry flour
  • 1 TBSP coconut flour
  • 1 TBSP unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 egg white
  • 1/2 tsp orange extract
  • 1 stevia packet
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 chocolate brownie Quest Bar

Mix all of the listed ingredients except for the Quest Bar.  Either pour the batter into a sprayed mug to make one big cupcake or pour into two silicon cupcake molds to make two normal sized cupcakes. For the brownie center, break 1/2 chocolate brownie quest bar into pieces and distribute amongst the two cupcakes. Microwave for 1 minute!Top with a raspberry protein icing. For the icing, mash 1/8 cup raspberries and mix it with 1 TBSP vanilla whey protein, 1 TBSP plain greek yogurt, and 5-7 stevia drops.


High Protein Cinnamon Rolls


Lemon Pistachio 1-Minute Cupcake