Macarons by The Food (Kim)ist

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Quest Cherry Pie

Oh my gosh; just made a healthy cherry pie, nbd. So so so good. I didn't know if it'd be a success or not, but it absolutely was. The best part is that this could be used with any fruit you want!IMG_4980[1]Quest Cherry PieMakes: 4 slices

  • 2 vanilla almond quest bars
  • 1 cup frozen cherries (140 g)
  • 1 TBSP coconut oil
  • 1 TBSP stevia
  • 1 unflavored gelatin packet
  • dash of almond extract (Optional)

Microwave 1 vanilla almond quest bar for 10 seconds to soften. Then press it into a 4.25" mini springform pan (or ramekin) to make the crust. Microwave the frozen cherries for 1.5 minutes. Mix/mash it (juice and all) with melted coconut oil,  stevia, unflavored gelatin, and a dash of almond extract. Pour this on top of the crust. Microwave another vanilla almond quest bar for 10 seconds. Cut into 8 strips and form a pie crust lattice on top. Refrigerate for 1 hour. Once set, cut into 4 pieces and serve.Nutritional info for 1 slice: 155 calories; 8 g fat, 16 g carbs (10 g fiber), and 12 g protein