S'mores Protein Mugcake

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Once upon a time, a Daddy S'more loved a Mommy Cupcake very very much. And they made beautiful things together, as documented here. The end. S'mores protein mugcake topped with a vanilla cream protein icing and a baked s'mores Quest Nutrition cookie. It's love.

S'mores Protein Mugcake

Serves: 1

Mix all of your ingredients except for the quest bar, breaking apart any lumps that may occur. Break apart the quest bar into pieces and swirl it into the batter. Spray a mug with nonstick spray and pour your batter in. Microwave 1:45-2:00 mins. I used two small silicon cupcake molds instead of a mug, but a mug is what I usually use. I just wanted to be cute.

For the yummy icing, mix 1/3 cup plain greek yogurt, 2 TBSP vanilla protein powder, and 1 stevia packet.

To make the cookie, mold 1/4 s'mores quest bar into a circle. Bake at 375 F for 7-8 minutes, or until crisp.


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