Spicy Coconut Chicken Tenders

I took one bite into these tenders and fell in love. I wanted to steal my boyfriend's portion of dinner. But I was a good girl. So moist yet crispy; spicy yet sweet. Perfect.IMG_8133Spicy Coconut Chicken TendersServes: 1

  • 2 chicken breast tenders (4-5 oz)
  • 2 tbsp liquid egg whites
  • 2 tsp sriracha
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened coconut shreds

Preheat the oven to 350F. Then mix the liquid egg whites and sriracha. Dip the raw chicken in the mix. Then roll the tenders on a plate that has the coconut shreds on it. Dip the tenders back in the egg white mix, and back in the rest of the coconut. Lay the chicken on a baking sheet sprayed with nonstick spray and bake it at 350F for 25 minutes.I topped mine with more sriracha! Serve with your favorite sites for a wonderful dinner. I ate mine with steamed butternut squash topped with cinnamon. Steamed brussels, broccoli, and cauliflower with a sweet balsamic curry dipping sauce (a mix of 2 tbsp plain Greek yogurt, 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar, 1/2 tbsp unsweetened almond milk, 1/4 tsp curry powder, and 7 stevia drops).


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