Macarons by The Food (Kim)ist

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Sticky Date 'Nice' Cream

In Kimtopia, ice cream is had every day. At all hours. As a norm. Come to Kimtopia! Breakfast: Sticky date 'nice cream' topped with buckwheat groats and a chopped salted caramel raw rev Glo bar. Come. Inhabit this glorious land with me.

This week I am doing an experiment eating on a Raw Till 4 diet for 7 days. It is so alluring to me, since I just crave fruit so much for the last few months!! I've been on the fence for a few months about whether I should try it out. But I finally went to the farmer's market and stocked up on produce for the week! I'm all for experimenting and learning things first-hand. Will certainly report back :)

Sticky Date 'Nice' Cream

Serves: 1

  • 3 frozen bananas

  • 1/4 cup dates

  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon

  • vanilla extract (Optional)

First, freeze very ripe bananas. Slice them up before you freeze them, that way it is easier to blend later! When frozen, add all of your ingredients to a food processor. Then blend! It will only take 1-2 minutes of blending. Then it's SOO creamy! Top with whatever you want & enjoy!