Macarons by The Food (Kim)ist

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Strawberry Shortcake Protein Truffles

I wub da twuffles. Strawberry Shortcake protein truffles!!! Can't get enough of theeeese. Perfect midday snackie. I feel like I've not been able to share as much of my food lately ;[ I'm sorry. These crutches just wipe me out by the end of the day... So exhausting to be shuffling around the kitchen so my meals are basic.

But yeah. Definitely keeping calories the same even though I can't workout because I wanna be properly fed to heeeeeal! I've been making sure to get lots of Vitamin D and Calcium!!! I've always focused on using food to make you feel great - I can always feel the difference. But now that I'm trying to heal a broken foot, I'm taking it veryyyyy seriously. I completely believe that good food should be our primary form of medicine - injuries, mental illnesses, any health issues can benefit when you're getting the right nutrients. For healing bones, Vitamin D and Calcium are the VIPs of all nutrients!!! Soooo I've been stocking up on specific foods!! For Vitamin D: oily fish such as salmon, swordfish, herring, and canned tuna. Sunlight is the best source but it's kinda grey and cold out so... Wompwomp. For Calcium: dairy products (greek yogurt), almonds & almond milk, soy products (tofu); and cruciferous vegetables (broccoli & kale). BONUS VITAMIN - Vitamin K: leafy vegetables, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower. There are other food sources that contain large amounts of these nutrients but these are the foods I like & choose to use as my medicine. Anybody else have "medicine" they use?? Let food be thy medicine.

Strawberry Shortcake Protein Truffles

Makes: 6 truffles (2 servings)

Mix everything except for the sugar free chocolate in a bowl!! Roll into 6 balls. Melt 2 oz sugar free white chocolate (or preferred chocolate) in the microwave for 1:30-2:00 minutes. Roll your truffles in the melted chocolate. Place in the fridge for 15 mins to harden, then eat!! Can keep in fridge or on the counter in a cool location.