Macarons by The Food (Kim)ist

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Tiramisu Parfait

You know I love my parfaits. I usually make oatmeal parfaits, but this was an amazing change!! I inhaled it too fast D; So perfect and a great light snack or dessert.IMG_3545[1]Tiramisu ParfaitServes: 1

  • 1-minute cupcake recipe
  • 3 TBSP Sugar free kahlua flavored syrup (davinci brand)
  • 3 TBSP unsweetened almond milk
  • 1/4 tsp instant espresso powder
  • 1/3 cup lowfat cottage cheese
  • 1/4 tsp imitation butter extract (or vanilla)
  • 1 stevia packet

Make my 1-minute cupcake recipe. Mix the Sugar free kahlua flavored syrup, unsweetened almond milk, and instant espresso powder. Chop the cupcakes into pieces and soak it in this mixture until the liquid is gone. With a handblender, blend the lowfat cottage cheese (or Greek yogurt), imitation butter extract (or vanilla), and stevia packet until even. Layer the blended mix with the soaked cake. Top with a sprinkling of unsweetened cocoa powder.Nutritional info: 175 calories; 2 g fat, 24 g carbs (5 g fiber), and 18 g protein.