White Chocolate Raspberry Rice Krispies

I love these easy protein Rice Krispies now. Experimenting with flavors is funnn. White chocolate raspberry "Rice Krispies" topped with a chocolate raspberry protein icing (chocolate raspberry cellucor protein, greek yogurt, & stevia), raspberries, and sprinklessssss. #heartshaped Erm I spy a trend here. Oh it's a holiday themed food? Just throw sprinkles on it! There we go. Just throw them everywhere! I better find them in the crevices of the couch, wedged in my shoes, and even in the mailbox. Be free, sprinkles! Be free from your cage! And you better enjoy those 10 seconds of freedom. You gon get devouredddd.

White Chocolate Raspberry Rice Krispies 

  • 1 white chocolate raspberry quest bar

  • 1 TBSP water

  • 1 cup of puffed rice (I get this on iherb.com)

Break apart the quest bar into small pieces and place it in a small cup with the 1 TBSP of water. Microwave for 30-40 seconds, stirring every 10 seconds until meltyyyyyy. Mix this with the puffed rice! I shaped mine into 2 hearts but you can shape them however. Refrigerate for 15-20 minutes until firm.

Total: 250 calories, 8 g fat, 37 g carbs (18 g fiber), and 21 g protein.

You can add any protein icing or preferred toppings!


Red Velvet Protein Soft Serve


Double Chocolate Chunk Heart Cookies