Chocolate Protein Pudding Cups

Mama never told me not to play with food. So this happened :D because I was bored and I can nyahaha. I made a QUESTmas tree from stacking homemade chocolate protein pudding cups, a quest cravings PB cup, and a double chocolate chunk Quest protein bar that I molded to make the top of the tree :). Then I decorated it with sprankles and protein icing (plain Greek yogurt, quest protein powder, stevia, and green food coloring). I had to get minor oral surgery last week, so I made these protein pudding cups thinking they'd be soft to eat but I couldn't even handle that when I got out.…. sooo I just played with them instead XD while I drowned in soup and pain pills. I had some of them before the surgery though and I love them!! Can we talk about how miserable and puffy I looked after the surgery. I was not expecting this long of a recovery.

Laughing hurts - this is torture. It's been a week and still counting... Meh.     

Chocolate Protein Pudding Cups

In a saucepan, heat your almond milk, stevia packets, and unflavored gelatin packet until the gelatin dissolves. Then remove from the heat and melt the sugar free chocolate into the saucepan. Let cool for 10 minutes. Then add the scoop of chocolate protein powder and the plain Greek yogurt. Mix until well combined; I used a handheld blender to make sure lumps were gone. Pour into cupcake molds or whatever you want really and refrigerate for at least 2 hours until it is set.


Sugar Free Protein Toffee


Chocolate Chunk Mocha Whoopie Pies + White Chocolate Peppermint Filling