Coconut Cream Pie

Boxes. Boxes everywhere in my house. Moving sucks don't do it. I took a quick 10 minute break from unpacking to make this dessert! Plus 30 minutes to play IG XD. Iiiit's a yummy mini coconut cream pie, because everything is better mini. #fact IMG_4872[1]Coconut Cream PieServes: 1

  • 1 vanilla almond crunch Quest bar
  • 3 TBSP plain Greek yogurt
  • 1 tsp sugar free vanilla pudding mix
  • 2 TBSP unsweetened shredded coconut
  • coconut extract (~1/4 tsp)
  • 1 stevia packet
  • 3 TBSP plain Greek yogurt
  • 1 tsp coconut flour
  • vanilla extract (~1/4 tsp)

Microwave the vanilla almond crunch Quest bar for 8 seconds to soften. Spray a small ramekin with nonstick spray and mold your quest bar inside to create a crust. Bake at 350F for 8 minutes. Mix 3 TBSP plain Greek yogurt, 1 tsp sugar free vanilla pudding mix, 2 TBSP unsweetened shredded coconut, a dash of coconut extract, and half of a stevia packet. Place inside the baked quest crust. Mix the other half of the stevia packet, 3 TBSP plain Greek yogurt, a dash of vanilla extract, and 1 tsp coconut flour. Place in the crust on top of the previous layer.Toast some coconut (less than 60 seconds, just watch it until lightly browned) and sprinkle on top. Now be proud. You are the owner of a pie. Wooooo. #pieowner


Life Lately


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