Creamy, "Cheesy" Tomato Pasta

Now that I've been trying to increase my carb intake, I've gotten bored of my go-to carb sources.... Sweet potatoes, Oatmeal, Kabocha squash (any squash really), Purple Yams.... But then I remembered brown rice and pasta! I have noooo idea how I forgot about them. So tonight I decided to play around with some 8 whole grain pasta! IT CAME OUT SO GOOD. My dinner was completely different that usual and that was a GOOD thing. It was a nice creamy twist to your traditional "italian" pasta sauce.IMG_3878Creamy, "Cheesy" Tomato PastaServes: 1

  • 1 serving pasta of choice (mine was 3/4 cup dry 8 whole grain pasta by Racconto)
  • 2 oz ground turkey
  • 1/3 cup sliced onion
  • 6 sweet yellow sunburst tomatoes (or cherry/grape tomatoes, or about 1/3 cup chopped tomato)
  • 2 big handfuls of spinach
  • 1 cup frozen broccoli florets
  • 1/4 cup tomato sauce
  • 1/3 cup lowfat cottage cheese
  • 1.5 TBSP nutritional yeast
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • 1/2 tsp basil
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder

First, begin to boil your water for the pasta. Once the water is boiling, add the pasta and let it cook while you do everything else. In a small pan sprayed with nonstick spray, cook your ground turkey. Once it's almost finished cooking but hasn't started to brown yet, toss in your onion and tomatoes. Let this all cook until lightly browned. Turn off the heat and stir in your spinach. It will lightly wilt. Then, microwave your frozen broccoli for 1.5 minutes (or until its thawed). Once the pasta is cooked, strain it and put it back in the pot. Add the food from the pan (turkey, onion, tomato, and spinach), the broccoli, and the remaining ingredients into the pot that the noodles are in. Stir everything together and then serve!I topped mine with avocado :) I am STUFFED and totally satisfied. It was a comfort food for sure. Cheeeeesseeeee.


Adding excitement to "boring" food - Spices I use


Masala Chai Green Protein Pancakes