Peanut Butter "Oreo" Mugcake

I love the summer because my mom grows vegetables in her garden. And I snag them from her XD Woooo free veggies. Her first picks from the year came this year, and she gave me a zucchini. A 3 POUND ZUCCHINI! I was mind blown. I'm eating boatloads of zucchini, and I'm not complaining. But after consuming mass amounts of zucchini omelettes lately, I decided to splurge on a healthy dessert to satisfy my creeping sweet tooth. This big guy is a Peanut Butter "Oreo" Mugcake topped with a decadent white chocolate cake glaze (adflkjaefl amazing), a chocolate "cheesecake" icing, and double chocolate chunk quest nutrition bar crumbles. Kayyyy :DIMG_1393[1]Peanut Butter "Oreo" MugcakeServes: 1-2

  • 1/2 cup peanut flour
  • 1/2 cup liquid egg whites
  • 2 TBSP coconut flour
  • 2 TBSP peanut butter marshmallow whey protein (cellucor brand)
  • 2 TBSP plain Greek yogurt
  • 3 TBSP unsweetened almond milk
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • 2 stevia packets
  • 1/2 cookies and cream Quest bar

Mix all of your ingredients except for the quest bar. Spray a bowl with nonstick spray and pour in your batter. Then break apart 1/2 cookies and cream quest nutrition bar and place it in the center of your batter. Microwave for 3:00-3:30 mins until the batter is cooked. Flip onto a plate and eat.To make the white chocolate cake glaze, mix 1 TBSP vanilla whey protein, 1 TBSP white chocolate cake batter youfreshnaturals nut butter, 5-7 liquid stevia drops, and 2-4 TBSP water to desired consistency.To make the chocolate "cheesecake" whip, use a handblender to blend 1/3 cup lowfat cottage cheese, 1 TBSP molten chocolate cellucor protein, 1/2 TBSP coconut flour, 1 stevia packet, and 2 drops cream cheese baking emulsion (from amazon - or use 1/2 tsp vanilla extract) until smooth.




Fluffy Cherry Vanilla Pancakes