Soy Dijon Ground Turkey Sautee

Basically the name tells all for this recipe! Ha. I came home from the gym hangryyy and needed something super fast. SO. QUICK. And basic, but PACKED full of flavor! Then I proceeded to cook more food. Heck yeah. This was more of a meal to hold me over for a little bit more food, but this could be made into a full sized dinner by increasing the amount of turkey and peas used :)photo (53)Soy Dijon Ground Turkey SauteeServes: 1

  • 2 oz 97% lean ground turkey
  • 1 small boiled beet
  • 1/3 cup frozen peas
  • 1 TBSP Bragg's liquid aminos (or low sodium soy sauce)
  • 1/2 TBSP dijon mustard

First, chop your already boiled beet into slices. In a pan coated with a nonstick spray, sautee together the ground turkey, beet slices, and the frozen peas (you can toss them in frozen!). Cook until the turkey is lightly browned and completely cooked through. Prepare the sauce by mixing the liquid aminos and the dijon mustard; pour of top of the cooked turkey/beets/peas. DONE. :D Woop!


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