Sweet Potato Ice Cream

As I mentioned when I posted this on Instagram, I've got a soft spot for whipped cream and ice cream. The freaking texture, man... When I made the switch to a healthy lifestyle, I've found healthy ways to solve any cravings for chocolate, cake, etc to where I don't feel tempted to eat a real chocolate bar or cupcake or cookies. There's ALWAYS a healthy fix. But.... It's hard to come close to the texture of whipped cream and ice cream. A lot of "ice cream" is either too soft or just becomes like ice in the freezer. BUT THIS. IS PERFECT. I honestly can't tell the difference between this texture and the texture of real ice cream. Good heavens. Oh yeah and it tastes amazing so that's cool ;pIMG_5172[1]Sweet Potato Ice CreamServes: 1

  • 3 oz baked sweet potato
  • 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder (I use cellucor)
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 TBSP your favorite nut butter (I prefer raw cashew or raw macadamia)

In a blender such as a magic bullet, just toss in all of the ingredients and blend! Freeze the mixture for 1.5 - 2 hours and then enjoy!If you freeze for longer and it gets too solid, simply microwave 5 seconds at a time until it becomes the softness you want. For example, the ice cream in the picture was frozen for 4 hours and I just microwaved it for 10 seconds. :)I topped mine with crumbled up kashi cereal as some crunchy sprinkles ;p


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